Leading-edge research

The École normale supérieure welcomes in its 15 departments for training and research, 800 researchers and teacher researchers, 300 post-doctoral researchers and 600 doctoral students.

In partnership with the major research organisations (CNRS, Inserm, Inria, Inra) and several Parisian academic institutions (in particular, the Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Université Paris-Diderot, and the Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales), the ENS hosts 32 research units in Arts & Laboratories and Sciences, 4 excellence laboratories and 2 excellence facilities “Labex et Equipex”, which cover a very broad scientific range, at the best international level.

The Ecole normale supérieure steers 7 research chairs, financed by patrons, companies and foundations.

The Ecole normale supérieure promotes a kind of fundamental research pushing back the boundaries of knowledge, while facilitating and stimulating its exploitation, within the framework of PSL Research University. Research has a dynamic structuration, so as to anticipate and accompany the most recent evolution in leading-edge research, while supporting multidisciplinary initiatives.