Research ressources

The École normale supérieure gives an easy access to its resources.
The website Savoirs-ENS makes contemporary knowledge accessible to specialized researchers, teachers and students, as well as to a broader audience eager to learn more about new discoveries. More than 5000 audio and video recordings can freely be listened to and watched on the website. About 350 titles are available within the collection of the publisher Rue d’Ulm. This collection usually increases by twenty titles a year in a wide range of topics. Prestigious publications, books at the cutting edge of research, translations and works by young researchers show how vigorous research is at the ENS.
The École normale supérieure also possesses 12 libraries distributed on 3 campus (Ulm, Jourdan and Montrouge). These libraries regroup one of the largest multidisciplinary collections in free access in France for research, by displaying more than 800 000 documents.
The ENS also started to record its own MOOCs in its studios so as to contribute to the democratization of knowledge and the reflection on the practice of teaching.

Créées en 1975, les éditions Rue d’Ulm ont pour mission de faire découvrir au grand public les résultats des travaux de recherche menés par les élèves, anciens élèves, enseignants, équipes associées et laboratoires de l’ École normale supérieure.
This site gives you access to the audiovisual catalogue of the École normale superieure: more than 5,000 recordings of courses, seminars, conferences, colloquia and cultural weeks of the science and humanities departments, as well as events organized by the ENS direction.

The ENS hopes to contribute through its participation in this pedagogical experiment to an ongoing commitment to the democratization of knowledge in higher education but also to cultural and scientific sharing.!