University track


Each year, the École normale supérieure selects students in Arts&Humanities at the L3 level (last year of undergraduate studies) and students in sciences at the L2 or L3 level (last two years of undergraduate studies) currently enrolled in a university. These ‘normaliens students’ are selected by the departments of the Ecole normale supérieure (ENS) on the basis of their academic records and their motivation for training through research. By preparing for the ENS graduate degree, the future normaliens students specialise in their discipline of interest and benefit from additional training in other disciplines.

Each year, the board of directors decide the number of positions. It is 138 in 2022, across all disciplines.

Key dates

Application dates for 2024

University track in Arts&Humanities : March 08th - April 09th (included)

University track in Sciences : March 08th - April 23rd (included)

University track in Medical studies-Sciences : March 08th - May 10th (included)

University track in Medical studies-Humanities : March 08th - April 09th (included)


See detailed calendars on the recruitement Webpages.

Mis à jour le 11/3/2025