The conscrits

The conscrits

This term, tender and amused at the same time, refers to the new generation of normaliens, i.e. the latest class (called promotion) of newly admitted students.

The conscrits are straight away integrated to the ENS life. A student tutor takes care of each conscrit and helps him//her discover the campuses of the École normale supérieure and explains its traditions and sense of identity. A booklet called plakette (with a k, according to the specific ENS spelling rules) is given to the conscrits and helps them, among other things, to find their way in the ENS corridors.

During their first year at the ENS, conscrits are also invited to take part in various activities specially designed for them. Such is the case, for instance, of the Mega, the integration weekend for the newly admitted students. They meet at this occasion their new classmates, scientific and literary students taken together.


Mis à jour le 17/6/2021