Exploiting research

The research conducted at the Ecole normale supérieure are fundamental, theoretical or experimental, and may also lead to breakthrough innovations. When innovation becomes an invention, the issue at stake consists in finding, for each one, the suitable technology transfer: a transfer to an industrial partner who will convert the technology at stake into a product and place it on the market, or, ideally, the creation of a start-up exploiting this technology, when the context is favourable.
Through specific and targeted awareness-raising actions and with some local support of quality, the ENS aims at creating an environment conducive to the emergence of projects springing from the whole ENS community.
The ENS has set up a guidance service for researchers, so as to help them following this complex process. This service is supported by its partner’s expertise, whether PSL or research organisations (CNRS, Inserm, Inria).
The objective of research exploitation is to make usable or tradable the results, knowledge and expertise brought by academic research. Exploitation consists thus in every action promoting the transfer of results obtained in research laboratories towards socio-economic actors, in particular in the industrial sector. Exploitation at the Ecole normale supérieure takes various forms, depending on the results nature, degree of advancement and possibilities of intellectual protection.
Mis à jour le 17/6/2021