Bienvenue à Vincent L. Pecoraro (University of Michigan)
Professeur invité par le département de Chimie de l'ENS-PSL
L’ENS accueille régulièrement des enseignants chercheurs étrangers renommés pour leurs compétences dans leur domaine.
En avril 2024, le département de chimie reçoit Vincent L. Pecoraro, John T. Groves Collegiate Professor of Chemistry à l'Université du Michigan.

Vincent L. Pecoraro is an invited professor at ENS in April 2024.
He is the John T. Groves Collegiate Professor of Chemistry at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, is a major contributor in the fields of inorganic, bioinorganic and supramolecular chemistries. He has risen to the upper echelons of these disciplines with nearly 350 publications (an h-index of 96), 4 book editorships and 5 patents. He has served the community in many ways including as an Associate Editor of Inorganic Chemistry for 20 years and now is Past-President of the Society of Biological Inorganic Chemistry (SBIC, Internationally, he has received a Le Studium Professorship, Blaise Pascal International Chair for Research, the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung and an Honorary PhD from Aix-Marseille University. His many US distinctions include the 2016 ACS Award for Distinguished Service in the Advancement of Inorganic Chemistry, the 2021 ACS/SCF Franco-American Lectureship Prize and being elected a Fellow of the ACS and AAAS. He also recently co-founded a Biomedical Imaging company, VIEWaves. He was ranked in 2022 as one of the world’s top 1,000 most influential chemists.
Programme des interventions de Vincent L. Pecoraro à l'ENS-PSL
Friday 5th, 2pm-4pm
Amphithéâtre Jaurès
Lecture on Zinc in Biology
Thursday 11th, 11am
Room R
Seminar on Metallacrowns: Lanthanide Containing Metallamacrocycles Applied to Luminescent Imaging, Molecular Nanothermometry and Single Component White Light Emission
Friday 12th, 2pm-4pm
Amphithéâtre Jaurès
Lecture on Heavy Metal ions
Tuesday 16th
Room R, dpt of chemistry, building Erasme
Seminar about “Educational pathways for independent scientific research in the US and France”
Monday 22nd, 11am
In the frame of the Culturchem seminars in Sorbonne University; Strategies for the design of alpha helical metalloenzymes