Lecture de poésie par Rae Armantrout
Cycle «Poetry reading[s]» - Lectures de poésie américaine contemporaine
La bibliothèque Ulm a le plaisir d'accueillir la poète américaine - Rae Armantrout - autour d'une lecture d'extraits de ses recueils et de textes inédits. Cette rencontre a lieu dans le cadre du séminaire de poésie américaine, animé par Hélène Aji (Professeur de littérature américaine à l'ENS).

Rae Armantrout, one of the founding members of the West Coast group of Language poets, stands apart from other Language poets in her lyrical voice and her commitment to the interior and the domestic. Born in Vallejo, California, Armantrout earned her BA at the University of California, Berkeley—where she studied with Denise Levertov—and she earned her MA at San Francisco State University. Retired from UC San Diego where she was professor of poetry and poetics. She is the current judge of the Yale Younger Poets Prize.
Armantrout's short-lined poems are often concerned with dismantling conventions of memory, pop culture, science, and mothering, and these unsparing interrogations are often streaked with wit. She explained, “you can hold the various elements of my poems in your mind at one time, but those elements may be hissing and spitting at one another.”
The author of more than ten collections of poetry, Armantrout has also published a short memoir, True (1998). Her Collected Prose was published in 2007.
Her most recent collections include Finalists (2022); Conjure (2020); Versed (2009), which won the 2010 Pulitzer Prize in Poetry and a 2009 National Book Critics Circle Award, and was a finalist for the 2009 National Book Award; Itself (2015); Partly: New and Selected Poems (2016); Entanglements (2017); and Wobble (2018), a finalist for the National Book Award. Writing for the Poetry Foundation, David Woo says that Rae Armantrout’s recent book Finalists (Wesleyan, 2022) “emanates the radiant astonishment of living thought.”
Mis à jour le 11/5/2023