Academic partnerships

Research organisations
With more than 500 researchers from the CNRS, INSERM and INRIA research organisations, and 32 joint research units, the Ecole normale supérieure closely cooperates with research organisations for developing its own research policy within the framework of PSL Research University. Researchers actively take part in the ENS’ specific training through research (lectures, supervision of master and doctoral interns, etc.). Particularly implied researchers have the possibility to become associated professors with the ENS.
Universities and grandes écoles
The Ecole normale supérieure maintains close relations with the academic fabric of Ile-de-France. In particular, the ENS has strong partnerships with Pierre and Marie Curie University, Paris-Diderot University, Paris-Descartes University, Paris-Saclay University in Sciences; and with Paris-Sorbonne University, the École des hautes études en sciences sociales (Centre for advanced research in social sciences) and the École Pratique des Hautes Études (Centre for advanced studies in sciences, humanities and theology) in Humanities and Social sciences.
These partnerships consist of :
- joint research units
- professors and researchers taking part in training and research at the ENS
- normaliens taking part in university training
- training agreements leading to a double degree, for example with Agro ParisTech, MINES ParisTech, HEC, ESSEC Business School, etc.
- close cooperation for joint master programmes and inter-academic training
The Ecole normale supérieure also cooperates with the other Ecoles normales supérieures (Paris-Saclay, Lyon, Rennes) through the common competitive examination system for students from preparatory classes.
International mobility of the normaliens stands for one of the requirements of the study path at the ENS. The Ecole normale supérieure has signed numerous international partnerships (more than a hundred) which allow to complete research internships, pursue joint training paths, (lien double diplôme Arizona) or, for students in Humanities and Social sciences, teach as a Lecturer in some foreign universities. Besides, the ENS is developing its international policy within the framework of PSL Resarch University, which has signed agreements with leading universities such as New York University, Columbia University, the University of Cambridge, University College of London, National Taiwan University, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, etc.
Mis à jour le 29/3/2017