Foundations and corporations partnerships

The ENS attaches great importance to relationships with companies and proposes them various modalities, according to whether they aim to take part in research programmes, hire some normaliens, train their employees or undertake patronage.
To better meet the expectations of its students as well as companies’ expectations, the École normale supérieure has given itself in January 2015 a hub dedicated to partnerships with companies. This hub is assigned with developing and organising relationships with the economic world and opening up new possibilities for ENS students.

La Taxe d’apprentissage

Vous souhaitez faire connaître votre entreprise ou votre institution auprès des normaliens

Vous souhaitez recruter des normaliens

Vous souhaitez former vos collaborateurs et cadres dirigeants
Vous souhaitez participer à la création d’une chaire à l’ENS
Proposer une thèse CIFRE aux doctorants de l’ENS

Soutien à la création d’entreprise